Rajasthan Police Constable परीक्षा दिनांक 13 मई से प्रारंभ हो चुकी है, इस परीक्षा में २२ लाख अब्यार्थी कड़ी म्हणत के साथ मैदान में उतर चुके है, अभ्यर्थी अपने पेपर के साथ संठुष्ठ नज़र आ रहे है , जिन अब्यार्थियो का पेपर अगली आने वाली कड़ीयो में होना है वे अवश्य रूप से आज का पेपर जरूर देख कर जाये
Rajasthan Police constable question paper and answer sheet
The examination for Rajasthan Police Constables will be divided into three parts. There will be 60 questions based on reasoning and mathematics in the first part of the exam, and each one is worth a maximum of one mark. In addition to that, there will be a total of 45 questions about general knowledge (GK) of both India and the rest of the world and current events. The last section will consist of public knowledge about Rajasthan. This portion will consist of 35 general knowledge questions, and the maximum number of points you may get is 17.5 out of a possible 35.
As a result, the Constables Bharti Exam was conducted for 75 marks, and it consisted of 150 questions drawn from across all subject areas. We have attempted to bring the subject-wise Rajasthan Police Constable Answer Key up to date. The unauthorized Raj Police Constable Answer Sheet was prepared with our assistance from several coaching institutions.